By Gabriel Barkay, Alexander Fantalkin, Oren Tal
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11. Jordan crossed (3:14–17a) And the people took o֎ from their tented quarters to cross the Jordan. Now the priests carried the chest of the disposition prior to the people. As the priests, those carrying the chest of the covenant, were entering into the Jordan, and the feet of the priests, those carrying the chest of the disposition of Lord, dipped into a part of the water of the Jordan (the Jordan was full along its whole channel, just like days of reaping wheat), and the waters coming down from above came to a stop: they came to a stop in one solidified mass standing a very great distance apart, as far as a part of Kaϑiairein; but what was coming down came down to the sea Araba, sea of salt, till it left o֎ completely; and the people had taken a stand opposite IereiΗŌ.
Mission to IereiΗŌ launched (2:1–3) 1 ͈̿ӂ јҿ͇͉͐͑̓̓͋ Ԇ̨͍͐҅͒ͅ ͏نӄ͏ ̬̿͒ͅ Ѩ͈ ̱͇̿͑͑̓͋ ͂Ӈ͍ ͋̓̿͋Ӄ͈͍͐͒͏ ͈͈͍͉̿͑̿͐̓ ͇̿͐نҿ͖́͋ ј͋ҽ̀͑̓ͅ ͈̿ӂ ҈͂̓͑̓ ͑Ӏ͋ ͈́̿ ͋قӂ ͑Ӏ͋ ̨͎͇͔͖̓̓ ͈̿ӂ ͍͎̓͒͆ҿ͋͑̓͏ ̓҄͐Ӂ͉͍͆͐̿͋ ͍҅ ͂Ӈ͍ ͋̓̿͋Ӄ͈͍͇͐ ̓҄͏ ̨͎͇͔͖̓̓ ͈̿ӂ ̓҄͐Ӂ͉͍͆͐̿͋ ̓҄͏ ͍͈҄Ӄ̿͋ ͇͈́͒͋̿ӄ͏ Ӆ͎͋ͅ͏ ӡ Ҙ͍͋͊̿ ̰̿̿̀ ͈̿ӂ ͈̿͑ҿ͉͒͐̿͋ Ѩ͈̓ ل2 ͈̿ӂ ј́́ͅҿ͉ͅ ͑ى ͇͉͉̀̿͐̓ ̨͖͔͇͎̓̓ لҿ͍́͋͑̓͏ ̓҄͐̓Ӆ͎͇̓͒͋͑̿ ҳ͂̓ ќ͎͋͂̓͏ ̨͉͎͑̿͐ͅ ͋و҅͒ ͋و ͈͈͍̿͑̿͐̓͑ ͇̿͐نӀ͋ ́ ͋ق3 ͈̿ӂ јҿ͇͉͐͑̓̓͋ ҕ ͇͉̀̿͐̓ӆ͏ ̨͎͇͔͖̓̓ ͈̿ӂ ̓͋̓ة ͎ӄ͏ ̰̿̿̀ ͉ҿ͖́͋ Ѩ͌ҽ́̿́̓ ͍͑ӆ͏ ќ͎͋͂̿͏ ͍͑ӆ͏ ͍͎̓҄͐̓̓͒͊ҿ͍͋͒͏ ̓҄͏ ͑Ӏ͋ ͍͈҄Ӄ̿͋ ͍͐͒ ͑Ӏ͋ ͋Ӈ͈͑̿ ͈͈͍̿͑̿͐̓́ ͇̿͐نҼ͎ ͑Ӏ͋ ́ ͋قѹ͈͇̿͐͋ 5.
28. The seventh day (6:15–25) And on the seventh day they rose early, and encircled the city six times. And on the seventh way round the priests trumpeted, and Jesus said to the sons of Israel, ‘Yell, for Lord handed over to you the city. And the city shall be a dedicated o֎ering, it and all things as many are in it, to Lord Sabaoth: however, Raab the prostitute you must preserve, herself and as many things as are in her house. But you yourselves be very chary of the dedicated o֎ering, lest at all in a state of passion you yourselves take from the dedicated o֎ering and make the camp of the sons of Israel a dedicated o֎ering, and you rub us out.