By Ian R. Taylor, Karen Evans, Penny Fraser
A story of 2 towns is a learn of 2 significant towns, Manchester and Sheffield. Drawing at the paintings of significant theorists, the authors discover the typical existence, making contributions to our knowing of the defining actions of existence.
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In Manchester, one of the key nineteenth-century developments was the opening of the first successful passenger railway in the world, the Manchester-Liverpool railway, in 1830, establishing Manchester’s significance as a transport interchange in the North. The determining moment, however, much later in the nineteenth century, was the opening of the Bridgewater Canal in 1893 and, especially, of the Ship Canal a year later, linking the three rivers which meander across the Cheshire and Lancashire plains (the Irwell, the Irk and the Medlock) to the Mersey basin and the sea, so constructing Manchester as an inland port, 36 miles from the sea—of enormous significance for purposes of trade and commerce in and out of the whole North of England.
According to the 1991 Census, however, the population of Moss Side itself was actually only 31 per cent black, with an additional 6 per cent of local residents being of Indian or Pakistani background; whilst Whalley Range was 11 per cent black and 20 per cent Indian or Pakistani: the majority population of both areas was poor white. Given the absence in Sheffield of a comparable, concentric circle of inner-city deprivation, Sheffield’s ‘ghetto’, as we will see in Chapter 8, has grown up and institutionalised in the local imagination in Pitsmoor and Burngreave, a Victorian inner suburb which in the 1930s had a quite genteel reputation.
7 There can be no denying the force of Meyrowitz’s argument, especially when applied, we would argue, to new residential developments on the edge of North American cities; and there is no denying their power for the understanding of lived experience of private households in England, whether in the North or the South. Even so, we would argue, the thesis is probably overdone, even for America (where there is local news on television—on some television channels, indeed, only local news—and also a mass of local advertising).