By Jennifer Westwood
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I see," Macon said. Yes, he was just the k i n d of boy to get ill. " T h e y w a l k e d out of the doctor's. " Muriel called t o E d w a r d , w h o j u m p e d u p b a r k i n g . They got into the car. Macon sat in the back so A l e x a n d e r could go in the front — a long way away from E d w a r d . " D o g s also m a k e him ill," Muriel said. W h e n they came to the Leary house, Muriel said, "Well, let's see now. I ' m w o r k i n g at the M e o w - B o w tomorrow, so I w o n ' t see you until d i n n e r on T h u r s d a y .
In his m i n d he saw a future w i t h o u t E t h a n , a n d he p r e p a r e d himself for it. T h i s was a future with less happiness. But it was also a future w i t h fewer problems. It did not contain the p r o b l e m s w h i c h a small child always brings. A n d t h e n the car stopped a n d E t h a n got his ball. Macon felt a great happiness. " The Accidental Tourist m i n d for a life w i t h o u t E t h a n . P e r h a p s this was w h y Ethan's death was less of a shock later. But if people do not p r e p a r e themselves, h o w can they c o n t i n u e living?
He t u r n e d off the television a n d called a taxi. At Julian's suggestion, he was going to have d i n n e r at the top of an impossibly tall building. Julian seemed to like places like that. T h e taxi stopped at the end of a very d a r k street. M a c o n h u r r i e d towards the great, tall building. He stood at the b o t t o m a n d looked u p and u p and u p . H e r e m e m b e r e d the t i m e w h e n E t h a n f i r s t saw an elephant. T h e child looked up in surprise, p u t t i n g his head further and further back until he fell over.