By Richard Gott
Magisterial heritage of the root of the British empire, and the forgotten tale of resistance to its formation.
Contrary to nationalist legend and schoolboy heritage classes, the British Empire used to be no longer an outstanding civilizing strength bringing gentle to the darker corners of the earth. Richard Gott’s magisterial paintings recounts the empire’s misdeeds from the start of the eighteenth century to the Indian Mutiny, spanning the red-patched imperial globe from eire to Australia, telling a narrative of virtually non-stop colonialist violence. Recounting occasions from the viewpoint of the colonized, Gott finds the all-but-forgotten tales excluded from mainstream British histories.
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He told them that he would expel them ‘totally out of the country’ if the fort was not immediately dismantled. Receiving no reply, he advanced from his home town of Murshidabad in June with an army of 50,000 men. 40 the challenge to imperial power, 1755–72 Fort William was attacked and partially destroyed, and the Europeans were left to escape to their ships. Most sailed away to safety down the Hughli River, but sixty individuals, including the acting British governor, John Holwell, were rounded up by the Nawab’s soldiers and crowded into the small ‘Black Hole’ prison within the British barracks.
Some Cherokee headed off to threaten the settlements in North Carolina and Virginia, while others advanced on Georgia. Settlers further south, on the Long Canes River, received warning of a Cherokee attack and took evasive action. Fifty families fled towards the British camp at Fort More, but the Cherokee overtook them and attacked while they were stranded with their wagons beside a stream. 1 Cherokee attacks against the settlements continued throughout February and March. Scores of settlers were killed or taken prisoner; hundreds of buildings and thousands of cattle were destroyed.
The aim, as Long described it, was ‘to slaughter, or force the white inhabitants to take refuge on board the ships’. The slaves then planned ‘to divide the conquered country with the Maroons, who, they alleged, had made choice of the woody uncultivated parts, as being most convenient for their hog-hunting’. The ambition of the slaves was to ‘enjoy all the remainder, with the cattle and the sheep, and live like gentlemen’. Unfortunately for the rebels, bonfires at the Whitehall estate were lit prematurely.