By M. S. Feld, V. S. Letokhov (auth.), Professor Michael S. Feld Phd, Professor Vladilen S. Letokhov (eds.)
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55] have derived an additional condition, a/K ~ cp, in the steady-state limit in order for superradlance to occur. 70b). 10) when loss is present, provides a necessary condition on the gain aL in order for ideal behavior to occur. 70) is far more stringent. 1. 66) requires that aL > ~ for full superradiance, Tw < T2. This relationship 33 is important in understanding the transient nature of the superradiant process (Sect. 3). When loss is due to diffraction K is a function of x. 1. 4 become important.
To avoid this the energy of the pulse must be much larger than that needed to completely invert the medium. 54). 35]. Thus, for direct inversion of a two-level system ,«T R and ,»T R serve to distinguish conditions under which superradiance and self-induced transparency, respectively, may be observed. 3 Stimulated and Superradiant Emission Stimulated emission of the type which occurs in a laser amplifier can be viewed as a cooperative emission process, although it is not usually considered as such.
5 ns, and ~ ~ 15. 7 indicate output intensity in arbitrary 100 200 300 400 500 units as a function of retarded time (same scale T/TR throughout). The dashed lines indicate the total inversion density created up to that time. (a) Instantaneous inversion (T = 0) ; (b) T ~ TO (T = 60 ns, TO ~ 57 ns). Note that TO = TO + T/2; (c) T»TO (T = 600 ns) Note the change in horizontal scale. 4 of the atoms can contribute to the first lobe of radiation. 1). 1. 57). 13-18] Note that for samples with L> II I '" n, not n2 , but N2 radiation still occurs because the effective number of radia~ors '" n1/ 2 However, although Ip increases with increasing n, the fraction of the stored energy which is radiated in the first lobe of superradiant emission decreases.