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By F. Dokter

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The above-mentioned cascade of antivalence gates (see Fig. 16) can also be used to convert the o'BRIEN code I into the AIKEN code and the GRAY excess 3 code into the original excess 3 code. 3, under 5 bit codes (the LmAW-CRAIG code and the 1-2-1 code). The KARNAUGH-VEITCH map, from now on simply called the KV map, is of great help in constructing single step BCD codes with 4 bits (see Fig. 18A). In this table, the 16 possible code words of a 4 bit code are arranged in a 4 x 4 array so that neighbouring code words have a distance TOMPKINS Fig.

For example, if M = 8000, the word length will be k = lb (8000) ~ 13. This form of coding is therefore not very convenient for human use, but is very suitable for the mechanical handling of information because of the small number of characters, m = 2, as we will see below. Between these two extremes lies the alphabetical system of representation used in most countries of the world. The information element (the word or concept) is here split up into sub-elements (sounds), and each sound is assigned a corresponding character (letter).

This allows the construction of extremely simple unidirectional counters. However, it is of no use for other purposes. The 4-2-2-1 code shown in Fig. 8F is very good for high speed counting stages. 10 The 5-4-2-1 code has '5-bundling', is unambiguously weighted and avoids the unit sequence, but does not allow complement formation. The 5-2-2-1 code, the 5-3-1-1 code and the WHITE code also have 5 bundling; the last mentioned allows the construction of a particularly simple adder. A survey of all the 4 bit codes mentioned above is given in Fig.

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