By J. A Jeletzky
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Extra resources for Eurasian Craspeditid genera Temnoptychites and Tollia in the lower Valanginian of Sverdrup Basin District of Franklin, with comments on taxonomy and nomenclature of Craspeditidae
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The mainly poorly preserved auxiliary parts of the adoralmost three or four external suture lines visible on apicalmost segments of both flanks of the smooth outer whorl (Pl. 7, fig. 2A) have relatively much shorter, narrow, adorally pinched lobes and extremely wide saddles. The lobes and saddles are strongly frilled in spite of their relative shortness. The shortness of the elements and strong crowding of these adoralmost suture lines indicates that the adjoining living chamber belonged to the adult individual and that the shells of adult representatives of the form concerned did not exceed 110 to 115 mm in diameter.
Sp. lA IN T H E LOWER V A L A N G I N I A N O F S V E R D R U P BASIN. have mainly 14 to 15 primaries and are not known to have more than 16 primaries. Another distinction of T. kemperi n. sp. from the three Middle Russian Temnoptychites forms taken together consists of the considerably later appearance, much weaker development and only sporadic presence of the midventral interruption or weakening of secondary ribs. These morphological distinctions are ample for the specific differentiation of the two form groups concerned.
The previously mentioned ribless growth stage is characterized by a complete absence of secondary ribs and, on some specimens, the presence of fine, closely spaced striae (Pl. 2, fig. 1A) combined with prominent umbiUcal bullae. , GSC 49311, 49319 and 49322; Pl. 2, fig. IB, Pl. 3, fig. 4, Pl. 4, fig. 1A, Pl. 5, fig. IB). All known sufficiently complete specimens representing the ribless growth stage have only 10 to 12 umbiUcal bullae per whorl and the same seems to be true of all other less complete representatives of this growth stage.