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By A. D. L. Akkermans (ed.), D. Baker (ed.), K. Huss-Danell (ed.), J. D. Tjepkema (ed.)

Five years have now handed because the first symposium on frankiae was once held at Harvard wooded area, Petersham, Massachusetts, united states and the inauguration of the time period actinorhiza. Many advances were made in the course of those 5 years in our knowing of the actinorhizal symbioses. facts for this was once supplied by means of the papers awarded on the Wageningen Workshop on Frankia symbioses, held in Wageningen on the division of Microbiology of the rural college. every one of these papers are actually released during this quantity of PLANT AND SOIL. We kindly recognize the help of Anton Houwers, editor of the magazine, in making plans, reviewing and publishing those stories. even supposing the papers offered at Wageningen defined the lively examine parts, additionally they illuminated these features of those symbioses which stay past our knowing. fundamental one of the components of our lack of understanding is the concept that of species in the bacterial symbiont, Frankia. at the present groupings of bacterial traces are in keeping with mobilephone chemistry, body structure, serology, DNA homology and symbiotic capa­ bilities (cross-inoculation). whilst those category schemes are merged no transparent species framework is got. absolutely a part of the trouble is because of an absence of lines for research. at the moment bacterial traces from basically half the actinorhizal symbioses recognized to exist, were remoted and studied in natural tradition. We needs to delay there­ fore any complete taxonomic category till a bigger majority of the symbioses are represented. one other examine quarter in which our knowing is inadequate is host-symbiont interaction.

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The different colony forms were the starting point for isolation of different clones. Yet no differences in sporulation, growth or any other characters studied were found to be clearly correlated with these colony types of either LDAgp 1 clones or reisolates. It therefore seems plausible to assume that the colony differentiation observed is not a consequence of genetic heterogeneity, but more likely due to phenotypic differentiation caused by the differences between Frankia cells in pure culture.

The light and electron microscopy of the isolates revealed the occurrence of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles. The strains differed in their growth requirements, nitrogen-fixing ability and production of extracellular pigments, thus indicating the existence of more than one Frankia strain in the same locality. In the absence of combined nitrogen in the medium strain An 1 formed vesicles and fixed N2 (up to 200 nmol C2 H•. h-'), while strain An 2 under the experimental conditions formed only few vesicles and fixed N2 at a very low rate (ca 10 nmol C 2 H•.

Lett. 10, 143-145. 6 Bradford M M 1976 A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein binding. Anal. Biochem. 72, 248254. 7 Burggraaf A J P, Quispel A, Tak T and Valstar J 1981 Methods of isolation and cultivation of Frankia species from actinorhizas. Plant and Soil 62, 157 -168. VARIABILITY WITHIN FRANKIA SP. LDAgpl 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 43 Burggraaf A J P and Shipton W A 1982 Estimation of Frankia growth under various pH and temperature regimes.

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