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8 It is unlikely, however, that Louis IX had deliberately made the transfer clauses complex. At this stage in his life, Louis seems to have been genuinely dedicated to Anglo-French peace, but he could not deny the rights of existing landholders. Potentially, too, Henry had much to gain as the chances of Alphonso and Joan having children seemed remote. By the treaty, Henry promised to do liege homage to Louis IX for any lands which came into his possession by its terms, and also for Bordeaux, Bayonne and for Gascony 'and for all the land that we hold beyond the English Channel in fief and domain ...
And we will hold of hirn as a peer of France and as duke of Aquitaine'. The significance of this clause has been much debated, again because it was to prove a bone of contention later on. At first sight it seems to mark no real departure from the situation under the Angevins when homage had been paid for lands held ofthe French crown. The two crucial words, however, were 'liege' and 'Gascony' . The form ofhomage had never before been defined as liege, which implied a personal subservience. But we should beware of reading too much into the introduction of the term.
First, the collection and publication of materials continued, but now more 23 The Hundred Years War systematically, under the aegis of governments and newlyformed historical societies. From 1857 the Rolls Series in England published new editions of chronieles, ineluding those of Avesbury, Murimuth, Waurin, Blondel and Berry, as weIl as an important compilation of material concerning the fifteenthcentury wars. The first scholarly edition of Froissart was produced by Kervyn de Lettenhove at Brussels between 1867 and 1877, with a final supplementary volume providing relevant material from contemporary record evidence.