Download e-book for iPad: Harry Emerson Fosdick: Preacher, Pastor, Prophet by Robert Moats Miller

By Robert Moats Miller

A tremendous determine in American spiritual and cultural background, Fosdick used to be well-known as a preacher, a pacifist and a champion of civil rights. He was once additionally the writer of forty-seven books.

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Later Harry was forced to drop out of college for a year because of his father's breakdown, resulting, it may be conjectured, from financial worries, the strains of assuming a broadened principalship, and concern over his semiinvalid wife. However, it is probable that Harry escaped at least one source of abrasion normal to families with more than one child, sibling rivalry. He was five years older than the twins, Raymond and Edith. Consequently he moved in a different world of schools, chums, interests.

They come from lands of light and darkness, from homes of ignorance and culture. With every shade of racial Years of Doubt and Decision 31 disposition and inherited habit, with every stamp of religious bigotry and fanatic hatred, they are pouring their incongruous, inharmonious mass into our commonwealth; and through the lowering clouds that overhang the nation's future, lightning possibilities dart menacing tongues. Unassimilated, undisciplined, the hordes of immigration throng our gates, more potent for evil than the invading armaments of a Napoleon, more pregnant with disaster than the hostile armadas of the world.

26 Harry Emerson Fosdick He went on immediately to say that these immigrants in their "little Hungarys and little Syrias" should not be exploited by older Americans, but rather helped and uplifted. Fosdick, emphatically, was not a bigot, not a nativist, but he was of old stock. In his case "ancestry is destiny" in the single sense that from birth he was accepted as one of the senior partners in the American entreprise. Not being a black, a Catholic, an immigrant or an immigrant's son, he was under no compulsion to prove his right to membership in the national club.

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