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By Svend Dahl

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Sh-it,” Junior said. ” He took three strides to the table. His crusty hands pulled back the sheet. “Look at that mess. Poor bastard laid out in that ant bed at least three days. His hip’s broke so he couldn’t get up. ’ Poor daddy my ass. ” He shifted so that his gaze lingered on her breasts. ” Jade didn’t answer. She turned away. “I’ll need some marbles. Some wax. ” She would work with the corpse after she finished at her beauty shop, after her clients had gone. ” Through the thinning gray hair, the red eruptions of ant bites were too obvious.

Johnny asked her as he lifted his satchel from the floorboard. “The Chickasawhay Indians. They were Choctaws,” Suzanna answered, unable to hide the thrill of being right. Every time they met, Big Johnny taught her something new, and then the next time he would quiz her on it. She always knew the answer, and she liked the way he smiled when she was right. ” Marlena walked to the edge of the river. About four feet from the bank a sandbar beckoned just below the surface of the lazy water. “No further than the sandbar,” she said.

On the plus side are powerful scenes of suspense and a moody evocation of time and place. Eschewing anything so obvious as naming an actual date, Haines makes it clear through subtle clues that the action is happening just after the end of WWII. The entrenched racial structure of a small Mississippi town of that era is similarly well done. Chief among the novel's shortcomings is the heavy-handed rendering of the love story between a mixed-race beauty, Jade Dupree, and all-white deputy Frank Kimble.

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