Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits (Clearscan) - download pdf or read online

By Friedrich Nietzsche

This quantity offers Nietzsche's impressive choice of virtually 1400 aphorisms in R. J. Hollingdale's unusual translation, including a brand new old advent via Richard Schacht. Subtitled "A ebook at no cost Spirits," Human, All Too Human marked for Nietzsche a brand new "positivism" and skepticism with which he challenged his prior metaphysical and mental assumptions. approximately the entire topics of his later paintings are displayed the following with attribute perceptiveness and honesty--not to claim suspicion and irony--in language of significant brio. It continues to be one of many basic works for an realizing of his concept.

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All philosophers have the common failing of starting out from man as he is now and thinking they can reach their goal through an analysis of him. They involuntarily think of 'man' as an aeterna veritas, t as something that remains constant in the midst of all flux, as a sure measure of things. Everything the philosopher has • thing-in-itself: Kant's term for objects as they are independently of our knowledge of them, contrasted (see section 10) with 'appearances', objects considered as conforming to Our modes of knowing them t aetana veritas: something everlastingly true 12 OF F I R S T A N D L A S T T H I N G S declared about man is, however, a t bottom n o more than a testimony as to the man of a very limited period of time.

Renouncing reverence itself? ' - now he dares to ask it aloud and hears in reply something like an answer. 'You shall become master over yourself, master also over your virtues. Formerly they were your masters; but they must be only your instruments beside other instruments. You shall get control over your For and Against and learn how to display first one and then the other in accordance with your higher goal. You shall learn to grasp the sense of perspective in every value judgement - the displacement, distortion and merely apparent tel­ eology of horizons and whatever else pertains to perspectivism; also the quantum of stupidity that resides in antitheses of values and the whole intellectual loss which every For, every Against costs us.

This is a purely scientific problem and one not very well calculated to bother people overmuch; but all that has hitherto made metaphysical assumptions valuable, terrible, delightful to them, all that has begotten these assumptions, is passion, error and self-deception; the worst of all methods of acquiring knowledge, not the best of all, have taught belief in them. When one has disclosed these methods as the foundation of all extant religions and metaphysical systems, one has refuted them! Then that possibility still remains over; but one can do absolutely nothing with it, not to speak of letting happiness, salvation and life depend on the gossamer of such a possibility.

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