Lillian's Love by Laura Marie Henion PDF

By Laura Marie Henion

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A goddess created for his destiny. He smiled at the thought of her, knowing he would not have to mold her to his liking. She dominated his every dream, every fantasy that he wanted to make realty. Some day, he would do just that. He could see her whenever he wanted to. He could watch her, smell her. It drove him crazy with want, but everything had to be just right. He couldn't make any mistakes. He had a plan to spend eternity with her. “Stay calm,” he whispered, counting the seconds he held his breath before he released it.

Michael felt his spirits lift the second Lillian entered the room smiling. Damn it, this wasn't good. Michael tried to sound natural, unaffected by her. Gorgeous Lillian, a petite woman who seemingly tried to hide her height with small wedge sandals that gave her an extra two inches or so. Today, she wore a knee-length skirt, embroidered, cream with lace trim. Her yellow blouse hung loose, unbuttoned against her hips. The cream-colored tank top clung to her belly, revealing a small gold hoop. The pierced belly button surprised him.

Just try to focus on the outcome. You'll see what a great job you've done. ” She smiled before walking back inside. * * * *Thirty minutes later, the store smelled edible from Aunt Mabel's baking. The first customers of the day began to arrive with questions about the event and the arrival of Miss Thomas. Throughout the day, everyone asked about the premiere entertainment for Friday night. They had sold out of tickets a while ago, indicating the projected sales would be phenomenal. Lillian became more nervous as the day went on.

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