By Tomasz Sadowski, Przemyslaw Golewski
This e-book discusses complicated loadings of turbine blades and protecting layer Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC), less than actual operating aircraft jet stipulations. They obey either multi-axial mechanical loading and unexpected temperature version in the course of beginning and touchdown of the airplanes. specifically, different types of blades are analyzed: desk bound and rotating, that are broadly utilized in turbine engines produced by means of aircraft factories.
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5 Cr. This issue also requires a more precise expression of information, tabulation guaranteeing that specific substrates and TC are used with appropriate BC that provide optimum cooperation in all ranges of temperatures. Instead of selecting an appropriate chemical composition, authors of study [12] consider using FGM (Functionally Graded Material) layers. Here, a system composed of 6 layers was used: 100 % YSZ, 80 % YSZ + 20 % BC, 60 % YSZ + 40 % BC, 40 % YSZ + 60 % BC, 20 % YSZ + 80 % BC, 100 % BC.
The best results are achieved for 200 µm—thick coatings. However, this assessment must be made carefully, as samples of this type with various thicknesses are actually not subjected to the same load conditions, since when thickness 6 State of Arts in Experimental Testing of TBCs Systems … 56 increases, the bending moment acting on the layer also increases, and consequently loads increase as well. g. 6 %, 100 h ageing—4 %. This increase in critical deformations may be caused by the phenomenon of sintering of the coating’s porous structure.
Sadowski and P. 1007/978-981-10-0919-8_4 25 26 4 Mechanical Loads Fig. 1 3D model above-mentioned blade is ŻS6U. The simulation included an elasto-plastic description of the material, together with changes that occur under the effects of temperature. 17). The Huber-von Mises plasticity yield criterion was applied to obtain plastic strain increments in the following form: f ðrij ; ry Þ ¼ J2 ðrij Þ À ð1=3Þðry Þ2 ¼ 0; ð4:1Þ where J2 ðrij Þ—is the second deviatoric stress invariant, ry —is the yield stress.