New PDF release: Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony

By Akio Morita

Akio Morita's autobiography offers an perception into the increase of Sony and the brain and strategies of 1 of the world's strongest and winning businessmen.

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Konoe had been prime minister of 1a pan several times and had fought against the military clique that eventually dominat ·d the government and plunged Japan into war. Maed a was ]all'l' PEACE 43 , , ked as Japan's first postwar minister of education but ~as 1 , , 11 q~ ht in one of the purges six months later and forced to resign l11 · • · ; 11 1se he had been associated with wartime government ~f­ lit i:tl s. :1wa, not too far from Nagano. Ibuka visited him there oft~n. Iii those meetings he learned a lot about what was happemng di plomatically and militarily .

But the trip turned out to be of great benefit to 11 l11 I 1 48, we had both read about the work of William ShockIt '''d others at Bell Laboratories in the "Bell Laboratory ' 1 'W< I," and we had been curious about their discoveries ever 111 ,. , 'l'h a t year small articles began to appear in the American '' . ,,,. · for this marvelous gadget might soon be available. h I~~"l', a11 to make plans. 't'ltis solid-state device was something completely new to ' 11 I' "< P ·rience , and learning about it and deciding what we ,,,, 1,11 lo with it was a job for more than an electronics engineer 11 t ~ 1.

Is tors might be able to solve that power and size problem. w · were all eager to get to work on the transistor, and 11 11 word came that it would be possible to license the techll d"I' Y. 1 went to New York to finalize the deal in 1953. ' New 1111 IH1 siness was concluded. I was excited when I chmbed l•1 "" d the Stratocruiser at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, a small 1 It• ' ' ·~" in one hand and a bag slung over my shoulder. r: d · of the United States. Everything was so big, the 1 1 1 '"' ' ·s were so great, the open spaces so vast, the regions so II • 1,•1ll .

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