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By R. H. Helmholz

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P. E 121: 'Die festi apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi ultimo preteriti fuit annus elapsus, fuit iste iuratus presens in domo Willelmi de Burton' alutarii Ebor, hora post nonam dicti diei quasi tertia, ubi et quando Johannes Beke sadeler sedens super scannum, anglice "Le Sidebynke" dicte domus, vocavit ad se dictam Marioram de qua agitur et dixit sibi, "Sede mecum". " Ac ilia respondit, "Volo si vos velitis". ' The picturesque kiss through the garland was not, however, normal. Usually, it is also stated that they drank together after the contract.

Cum rei veritate dictus terminus desponsare nee iure nee communi sermone nee quavis alia via recta huiusmodi interpretacionem recipiat nee dictum verbum habere sub se aliqualiter includat, et sic indebitam repeticionem fecisti . . ' 52 E D R D / 2 / 1 , f. ' T h e court held in favor of the marriage, b u t the decision was at once appealed. 53 E 131 (1373). T h e case was actually slightly more complicated, since the man's answer was not exactly equivalent to the woman's vow. ' But the court held the marriage valid nevertheless.

P . Varin, Archives legislatives d e la ville de Reims (Paris, 1840), I, no. 260. And see Sheehan, 'Formation and Stability of Marriage', 244-6. 40 See De Matrimonio, Lib. I, d. 18, nos. 2 2 - 9 , in which the Spanish jurist has collected the opinions of preceding canonists. 7, no. 5. 42 Some canonists, however, rejected this dominant view. Their argument was that it is one thing to wish to accomplish an act, another actually to accomplish it. To wish to sell something, the common example went, is not equivalent to actually selling it.

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