Download e-book for kindle: Newgate: London's Prototype of Hell by Stephen Halliday

By Stephen Halliday

There were extra prisons in London than in the other eu urban. of those, Newgate was once the most important, such a lot infamous, and worst. outfitted through the twelfth century, it grew to become a mythical place—the notion of extra poems, performs, and novels than the other development in London. It was once a spot of cruelty and wretchedness, at numerous occasions preserving Dick Turpin, Titus Oates, Daniel Defoe, Jack Sheppard, and Casanova. simply because prisons have been privately run, any time spent in criminal needed to be paid for through the prisoner. Housing diversified from a personal phone with a cleansing girl and a vacationing prostitute, to easily mendacity at the ground with out disguise. those that died inside—and just a area of prisoners survived till their execution day—had to stick in Newgate as a rotting corpse till kinfolk chanced on the cash for the physique to be published. Stephen Halliday tells the tale of Newgate's origins, the criminals it held and the punishments meted out. this can be a compelling slice of London's social and felony history.

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This part of the lordship was virtually untouched by medieval English settlement and was largely devoid of urban centres or shire ground. Here, Irish society functioned with little regard for the Tudor state of which it was, according to English thinking, a part. Indeed, by 1520 a major war was brewing between the most powerful Irish clans in the Irish north-west: the O’Neills and O’Donnells. The O’Neills, whose power emanated from their lordship of Tyrone in central Ulster, were much the most dominant force in the region.

According to the 1515 report on the lordship, these ‘captains’ 42 S. G. Ellis, ‘Nationalist historiography and the English and Gaelic worlds in the late Middle Ages’, IHS 25 (1986), 1–18 (esp. 5). 43 Nicholls, Gaelic and Gaelicised Ireland, 209. 44 Maginn, ‘English marcher lineages’, 125. 45 Maginn, ‘Gaelic Ireland’s English frontiers’, 1–17. 46 Presentment of the jury of the commons of Waterford, 12 October 1537, TNA, SP 60/5/32. 47 Ormond deeds, iv. 336. 48 English officials had for long deemed the Irishry a ‘land of war’, legislating against it and contrasting it with the inner areas of the English Pale inhabited by the king’s loyal subjects, the so-called ‘land of peace’, or ‘maghery’.

Conspicuous by their absence at this display of English wealth, power, and nobility were the principals of the Howard family. Led by Thomas, the old duke of Norfolk, the Howards were one of England’s foremost noble families. Norfolk was left behind in England and entrusted with the defence of the kingdom. The duke’s son and heir Thomas, earl of Surrey, meanwhile, was in Ireland, where he had already begun his service to Henry VIII. The appointment of Surrey as lord lieutenant of Ireland in March 1520 marked a departure from the established Tudor method of governing the lordship.

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