Read e-book online Nohow On: Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho: Three PDF

By Samuel Beckett

Now compiled in a single quantity, those 3 novels, that are one of the most lovely and disquieting of Samuel Beckett's later prose works, interact with the strong resonance of his recognized 3 Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable. In corporation, a voice involves "one on his again in the dead of night" and speaks to him. ailing visible sick acknowledged focuses recognition on an outdated girl in a cabin who's a part of the items, panorama, rhythms, and routine of an incomprehensible universe. And in Worstward Ho, Beckett explores a tentative, doubtful life in an international without rational which means and objective. this is language pared all the way down to its such a lot expressive, confirming Beckett's place as one of many nice writers of our time.

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Example text

Winter night. No more lambs. some too human hand forced to desist? As lVIichel­ No more flowers. Empty-handed she shall go to the angelo's from the regicille's bust. If there L L not tomb. Until she go no more. Or no more return. Ilore much for that. Undistinguishable the twin shadows. HI 85 L , llIal Till one at length more dense as if of a bod\-. better G its latest hour. Unless it be its latest minute. Then opaque. At length more still. As faintl)- at length the doubt certain-then despair certain nights of its ever other trembles under the staring gaze.

Tn see. Tn- say. How first it lay. Then Sa\- ground. No ground but say ground. So as to sa\­ somehow knelt. Bit b\ bit. Tlwn on from there. Bit by • L L • L • pain. No mind and pain? Sa: :es that tI](' bOlw" nw\ bit. Till up at la"t. :\' ot n(m. Fail lJetter \\'(lr"e nO\L pain till no choice but "tanel. Somehow lip and ::,tand. Or better worse remains. Sa\ remains of mind \\here none to permit of pain. Pain of bone::, till no choice lJu! ,~notl]('r. Say anot her. Head ::;unk on cri ppled hamb. vertex \ertical.

Time gOllt' \I hen ))ohO\\ Oil. So least ward on. So long as dim still. Dilll lln~ L \Vorsp less. B\- no stretch mon>. \Vorse for want of dimn1<'cl. Or dimllwd to dimmer still. To climmost bett(>r less. Less Iwst. No. Naught Iwst. Best \lor:-w. -'\0. dim. Leastmost in clilllmost dim. LJtmost dim. Least ~ Not best worse. Naught not I)('st \\'(Jrse. Less l)('st most in utmost dill!. Unworse))alJl(' \\'(Jrst. \\orse. No. Least. Lf'ast I)('st \lorse. Least 11<'\(T to 1)(' naught. Nt'ver to naught Iw ImJllgbt.

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