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By Robert P. Watson

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Convinced this mutual animosity could not promote his aims in the territory, Pierce sought to alleviate the problem by offering Reeder a federal position, which he refused. After the President fired him, Reeder made overtures to free-soil factions in Lawrence. ”16 According to Justice Chase, when a citizen recants his allegiance to the political authority of his society he has committed treason against his sovereign state. As Governor Shannon arrived at his post in September 1855, 100 anti-slavery settlers had gathered at a four-cabin trading post named Big Springs to launch a government that would culminate in the territory being admitted to the union as a free state.

The matter of a national bank system, however, drew some direct involvement from President Lincoln. 60 These efforts by Lincoln were not lost on Congress during the debate on a national bank system in early 1863. Elbridge Spaulding noted how the president had advocated such a measure in his annual address. Lincoln stated in his 1862 annual address: I know of [no way of guaranteeing a stable currency] which promises so certain results, and is, at the same time, so unobjectionable, as the organization of banking associations, under a general act of Congress, well guarded in its provisions.

John Gabriel Hunt (New York: Grammercy Books, 1995), 171. , 1991), 2. Roy D. Bird and Douglas W. Wallace, Witness of the Times: A History of Shawnee County (Topeka, KS: H. M. Ives and Sons, 1976), 9. Atchison, quoted in William E. , 1928), 306. ” Ibid. This was the same line of reasoning Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney would use in his 1857 majority decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford. Reeder was “doughface–a northerner who held an affinity toward positions that were pro-southern–who had campaigned for Pierce during the 1852 campaign and was recommended for an appointment by former Pennsylvania congressman Ely Moore.

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