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By Xabier Arzoz (Editor)

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One is that only those languages will survive which manage to grab a territory with sufficient firmness, and hence only those linguistic communities which have the critical mass and the economic confidence that make the cost of this grabbing reasonable. Secondly, whereas the linguistic territoriality principle fosters territorial linguistic diversity by blocking the full replacement of local languages by the worldwide lingua franca, it also counteracts local linguistic diversity by operating as an unfettered local lingua franca.

In the light of this conceptual clarification, let us examine the relationship between linguistic diversity and convergence towards one lingua franca. 8 At first sight, there is a natural complementarity between these two objectives: multilingualism is inconceivable without linguistic diversity, and linguistic diversity is pointless in the absence of multilinguals capable of enjoying it. There would indeed be no tension whatever between the two objectives if the multilingualism of the European Union took the form of the Germans learning Cantonese and Quechua, the French Afrikaans and Telugu, the Brits Javanese and Lingala, and so on.

For nature- and culture-destroying colonization and industrialization. The relationship between biodiversity and linguistic diversity, as we saw above, can be instructive, but to appeal to a spurious correlation is an unpromising way of harnessing interest in the former in order to generate support for the latter. The impact language conservation may have on species conservation must be, if at all real, very modest, and likely to be offset by the potential of knowledge dissemination which a switch to a more widespread language would create.

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