C. Di Natale, et al. 's Sensors and Microsystems [Procs, 8th Italian Conf.] PDF

By C. Di Natale, et al.

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14. -A. Beraldin, “Design of Bessel-type Pre-Amplifiers for Lateral Effect Photodiodes,” Int. J. , 67, 591-615, 1989. 15. F. Blais, M. -A. Beraldin, “Practical considerations for a design of a high precision 3-d laser scanner system,” Optomechanical and ElectroOptical Design of Industrial Systems, SPIE Vol. 959, p. 225-246, 28-29 June, 1988. -F. DALLA BETTA* Dapartimento d i Informatica e Telecomunicazioni, Universitd d i Trento, Via Sommarive, 14, 38050 Povo (TN), Italy M. BOSCARDIN ITC-irst, Divisione Microsistemi, Via Sommarive, 18, 38050 Povo ( T N ) , Italy Silicon radiation detectors represent one of the main research lines of the ITCirst Microsystem Division.

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