By Susanne Schmid (auth.)
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Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples” and other poems with a note of depression turned him into a sufferer, rejected by the very human beings he had loved so fervently (“for I am one/Whom men love not,” ll. 41–42, SW 562). The fate of the volume is well known: Sir Timothy, utterly disgusted with his son’s political and highly ungentlemanly poetical confessions, suppressed a part of the edition. In its aftermath, several pirate prints of Shelley’s poetry appeared that had taken their texts from the Posthumous Poems and the earlier volumes.
Ode to Heaven,” “An Exhortation,” Th e Te x t ua l C o n d i t i o n 43 and “Ode to the West Wind” had been moved to the 1819 section, accompanied by “Song to the Men of England,” which had its debut in print. The drama Prometheus Unbound had moved to the front of the volume together with other long poems, whereas the shorter texts of the original Prometheus Unbound volume were printed in two different sections, 1819 and 1820. Thus, the former thematic coherence was lost. ” “Superstition” (from Queen Mab) was not reprinted at all, because Queen Mab herself had finally been assigned the status of legitimate offspring and occupied the first position in the volume.
1894, ca. 47 It is hardly surprising that favorites have changed in the course of time. 3 lists 20 frequently printed and translated texts. The number in brackets beside each poem indicates how many times it has been published in Germany. Poems and plays are also included in the count if only sections have been reprinted. Not all Shelley poems were fashionable throughout the entire nineteenth and twentieth centuries. While “Ode to the West Wind” has been a favorite since 1830, the popularity of other poems has peaked in some periods and declined in others.