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By Dudley Williams (Eds.)

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The deconvolution process is essentially the reverse of the process employed by Blass and Nielsen in degrading the spectrum in Fig. 8 by imposing various instrumental slit widths to obtain the curves in Fig. 9. Considerable progress in developing computer programs for use in deconvolution has been made by various investigators including J a n ~ s o n . 6. Studies of Molecular Interactions Thus far in our discussion of infrared spectra we have treated the molecules as essentially isolated closed systems, each of which is assumed to interact independently with the electromagnetic field.

Ney, D. W. Strecker. and R. D. J . 180. 809 (1973); D. W. Strccker and E. P. Ney. on. J . 79. 791 ( 1 974). ’ Sec also VoI. I 7 A (Astrophysics),Parts 9 ~ I I. 28 4. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY bandpass interference filters i n conjunction with low-temperature bolometers to map the gross features of the radiation curves and have made valuable contributions to our knowledge of stellar infrared sources. Bandpass filters have also been used on various space probes when weight requirements precluded the use of spectrographs or Michelson interferometers.

So(. 4n7cr. 980 (1953). G . W. Sirokc. Dil1r;iction grating5. " V o l . 2 9 SIirliigcr-VcrIag. Bcrlin and Ncw York. 1967. Soc.. 41,3(1951);50. 1148(1960). 1. 21 INFRARED REGION provide uniform line spacings, modern ruling engines as developed by G . R. Harrison and his associates are controlled by servo mechanisms directly controlled by interferometric methods involving light waves in the visible region. s8 The fabrication of a diffraction grating by modern techniques is a long and enormously expensive process.

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