Download PDF by Michael J. Braddick: State Formation in Early Modern England, c. 1550-1700

By Michael J. Braddick

The 17th century has continually been obvious as vital for the improvement of the fashionable English kingdom. over the last 20 years, in spite of the fact that, this view has been criticized seriously and no normal account of the advance of the country during this interval has but emerged. at the foundation of a wide-ranging synthesis of expert paintings in different fields of English, British and colonial heritage, this ebook makes a singular argument concerning the modernization of the seventeenth-century English nation, and of the function of sophistication and gender pursuits in its improvement.

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Ch. 4 and pp. 284–6. Wrightson is less sure on this point: K. Wrightson, ‘Two concepts of order: justices, constables and jurymen in seventeenth-century England’, in J. Brewer and J. ), An Ungovernable People? The English and their Law in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (London, 1980), 21–46, 312–25, at pp. 26–7. ⁵⁹ Kent, Constable, pp. 55–6. The embodiment of the state 35 unspecialised, the distinction between public and private authority was very blurred. Analytically the authority of a magistrate was distinct from the authority of a substantial local gentleman, but in practice the former depended on the latter.

Quoted in J. Thirsk and J. P. ), Seventeenth-Century Economic Documents (Oxford, 1972), 608. In April 1626 William Capell, a Somerset JP, claimed that he would positively welcome the prospect of dismissal as relief from the onerous duties that a place on the commission entailed: Barnes, Somerset, pp. 302–3. The embodiment of the state 33 In all cases these commissions were dependent on the activities of lesser officeholders, particularly the high constables and below them the village constable.

HEH, HAP Box 14 (18), Henry, fifth earl of Huntingdon, a draft set of instructions to his household regarding behaviour in his absence. ³⁷ W. R. Prest, The Rise of the Barristers: A Social History of the English Bar 1590–1640 (Oxford, 1986), 236–7. ³⁸ For concise discussions see, Williams, Tudor Regime, pp. 39–43; Williams, Later Tudors, pp. 141–4. 26 State formation in early modern England These formal and impersonal procedures provided agreed and routine means by which to legitimate particular kinds of decisions.

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