By S.D. Chapman
'...this truly written survey is easily appropriate, either by way of expense and content material, to the undergraduate advertise is designed to serve.' Mary B.Rose, college of Lancaster
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Robert Owen, pp. 188--95; Jean Lindsay, 'An Early Industrial Community: The Evans Cotton Mill at Darley Abbey, 1783-1810', Business History Review, XXXIV (1960); Collier, The Family Economy, pp. 39-43. 66 67 55 hours for abysmal wages. But the few records of the system that have survived show that the apprenticeship system was not as cheap as free labour. It was in any case short-lived, partly because as the first generation of apprentices grew to adulthood the colony became self-perpetuating, but more especially because after the tum of the century the Arkwrighttype mills were giving way to mule spinning factories, for which the availability of water power was a less important factor in location.
MacKenzie, 'Calver Mill and Its Owners', Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, LXXXIn ( 1963). 40 Edwards, The British Cotton Trade, pp. , W. B. Crump and G. Ghorbal, History of the Huddersfield Woollen Industry (Huddersfield, 1935) pp. 77-8. n S. Pollard, 'Fixed Capital in the Industrial Revolution in Britain', Journal of Economic History, XXIV (1964); Edwards, The British Cotton Trade, pp. 225-30. 39 turers were men of little education and few connections, and lived from hand to mouth. Authentic spokesmen from their ranks are difficult to find, but there is an occasional voice.
Lee and Thomas Ainsworth conducted a census of mule spinning and concluded that it employed 150,000 weavers and was responsible for two-thirds of the output of the industry. The other third obviously came from the sector operating Arkwright's technique and, pro rata, must have found employment for 75,000 weavers, making 225,000 in all. Until the mid1790s the mule sector was still very small, and after that time the Arkwright sector ceased to grow, so that 75,000 cotton weavers would approach a fair estimate for 1795.