Lee Strobel, National Research Council's The Disposition Dilemma: Controlling the Release of Solid PDF

By Lee Strobel, National Research Council

Record from the Committee on choices for Controlling the discharge of reliable fabrics from Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Licensed amenities. Softcover.

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Extra info for The Disposition Dilemma: Controlling the Release of Solid Materials from Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Licensed Facilities (Compass series)

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As a second option, the USNRC could permit the release of solid materials for unrestricted use if the potential for exposure to the public from projected uses were less than a specified dose level (clearance). Unrestricted use might include recycle or reuse of SRSM in consumer or industrial products or any other use. As a third option, the USNRC could prohibit both unrestricted and restricted release of SRSM from a licensed facility. Instead, it could require that such material go to an LLRW facility.

First, for determination of the risk assessments on the health effects of incremental doses, the committee has relied on assessments by UNSCEAR (1988), the National Research Council Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (NRC, 1990) and the NCRP (1993). These assessments found that a lifetime risk20 of developing a fatal cancer from low dose or low dose rate irradiation is estimated to be 5 × 10–2/Sv (5 × 10–4/rem) for an individual in the general population. Table 1-3 shows the risk estimates developed by NCRP (1993) by applying the linear, no-threshold hypothesis to various incremental annual doses.

01 mSv/yr) was recognized but not adopted by the USNRC for procedural reasons (NCRP Report 91 was issued after the proposed Part 20 rule, and there had been no opportunity for public comment). Box 1-2 contains definitions of the units of measurement used in this report. The 1991 revision to 10 CFR Part 20 included other references on radiation protection, including a 1988 report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR, 1988), reports by committees of the National Research Council (NRC, 1990) on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR), and the 1990 recommendations of the ICRP (ICRP, 1990).

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