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Analysis of Index NZ and document supply usage data (for NZJO); and . cross-sectoral working groups. However, neither of the above approaches addresses the potential market. As libraries and cultural institutions move more into the world of providing access to digitised and born digital objects we may need put more effort into discovering more about the demographics and preferences of users. A National Library response to customer expectations The mechanisms (mentioned earlier) employed by the Library intended to produce a customer-driven service have resulted in a number of projects.

Providing access to the digital world is expensive – from capture, storage and description to preservation activities – and limited financial resources means informed targeting of resources, and a continual review of market penetration. In response to user demands, the National Library is committed to providing a single generic search interface to all of its physical and digital collections, while retaining the specialised interfaces to Voyager, Tapuhi, and other specialised products. The new interface will considerably improve access for users to the wide variety of resources held by the National Library.

Finding the right distribution channels – international examples The GSI is an opportunity to rethink how the Library collates and presents content to its users, and the Library will be watching international developments in this area with great interest. Among those that have caught our attention to date are Cornell University Library, the National Library of Australia, The Australian Virtual Engineering Library (AVEL) and the British Library. e. e: . general interest and reference; . arts and humanities; 506 .

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