New PDF release: The Great War Fifth Volume

By George H. Allen

The Triumph of Democracy.

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The War in Africa and Asia 17 Besides the railway from Jaffa to Jerusalem, there was a good highway ascending a valley to the north of the railway. The British infantry advanced eastward by several routes with their right flank resting on this Jaffa-Jerusalem highway with the aim of severing communication between Jerusalem and the north. By November 22d the British had gotten within two miles of the main highway from Jerusalem to Nablus and Damascus, when the Turks began a series of vigorous counter-attacks, checking the progress of their adversaries for about two weeks.

British suspicion of Russian designs eventually gave place to solicitude about the maneuvers of Germany, The War in Africa and Asia 25 but the conclusion of an agreement for the extension of the Bagdad railway to the Persian Gulf gave evidence of the fairmindedness of the British Foreign Office as well as of the urbane qualities of the German Ambassador. have traced the course of events by which the British established themselves firmly in Palestine and Mesopotamia, winning important strategical and economical centers.

Thus Jerusalem was liberated after four centuries of Turkish misrule. There had long been an Arab prophecy that a deliverer would come from the West, bearing the name of a Prophet of God, that he would enter Jerusalem on foot, and would appear when the Nile flowed into The populace observed that the name of the Palestine. British commander signified in Arabic the "Prophet" and that his men had brought with them the waters of Egypt. The British Turks made a front was pressing northward when the determined effort to retake Jerusalem.

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