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By J. E. S. Parker (auth.)

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However to be practical, even for those less competitive days this is probably too long. A change in application policy may well account for some of the time, but the rest needs an alternative explanation. The most plausible is regulation. Increasingly tough registration procedures have probably lengthened the total time required to get a drug to the market.

It gives some indication of the bias that might be present in the sample procedures. CORE SAMPLE, PRE- AND POST-1-71 As a final check that the non arrival bias problem is not too serious a 'core' sample has been used. 5 UK W. 4) (39. 4) NOTE The core sample is comprised of those drugs that are introduced into 10 and more countries. The International Diffusion of Pharmaceuticals 42 or more countries. Of the 192 drugs in the full sample 89 qualify. 5. In effect the core sample drugs typically go to three-quarters of all the countries.

24 The International Diffusion of Pharmaceuticals FIRST MARKETING AND ARRIVAL TIME LAG As mentioned in the previous chapter the diffusion analysis is based on first marketing dates. The timing of arrival in destination countries is defined by the launch date of pharmaceuticals. The difference in arrival dates determines the arrival time lag or diffusion lag. Thus a drug that is first sold in the USA in 6-70, and in the UK in 6-71, is defined as having an arrival time lag of 12 months. At first sight this procedure seems satisfactory.

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