By Riccardo Fantoni
The cutting-edge within the theoretical statistical physics therapy of the Janus fluid is suggested with a bridge among new learn effects released in magazine articles and a contextual literature evaluate. fresh Monte Carlo simulations at the Kern and Frenkel version of the Janus fluid have printed that during the vapor section, less than the severe element, there's the formation of most well-liked inert clusters made of a well-defined variety of debris: the micelles and the vesicles. this can be answerable for a re-entrant gasoline department of the gas-liquid binodal. specified account of this findings are given within the first bankruptcy the place the Janus fluid is brought as a made of new refined synthesis laboratory strategies. within the moment bankruptcy a cluster thought is built to approximate the precise clustering houses stemming from the simulations. it really is proven that the speculation is ready to reproduce semi-quantitatively the micellization phenomenon.
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01 and various temperatures. 5 is also shown to be too crude an approximation even for a qualitative description of the exact clustering properties. 1 Case Δ = σ/2 For Δ = σ/2 the following results were found. 1 Equilibrium Cluster Concentrations In Fig. 4 the Monte Carlo data of F. Sciortino et al. [27] (the results reported in Fig. 1) and the results from the cluster theory are compared. 6 Results Fig. 5σ 35 8 βP/ρ u 6 (ln Ztot )/N (ln Ztot)/Nt 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 σ 0 /σ not appropriate even at high temperatures in the single fluid phase above the critical point.
Panel b shows the compressibility factor for the same values of temperature as a function of density from the CS approximation (no MC data is available) fluid. 7 shows the results obtained for the excess reduced internal energy per particle and the compressibility factor. 0001 Fig. 8 The equilibrium cluster concentrations N n /N , n = 1, 2, 3, . . 64σ. Here Δ = σ/4 From Fig. 7 one sees that there is a qualitative agreement between the results of the cluster theory and the Monte Carlo results. No Monte Carlo results are available for the compressibility factor.
The results also suggest that with a temperature-dependent cluster diameter, or more generally with a cluster diameter dependent on the thermodynamic state of the fluid, better agreement between the used approximation and the exact results could be achieved. The topological definition of a cluster employed has no direct geometrical interpretation. Other definitions with a geometrical nature are possible. For example Lee et al. in their studies of nucleation define an assembly of particles to be a cluster if they all lie within a sphere of radius σ0 centered on one of the particles.