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By Jonathan Hart (auth.)

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Auden’s elegy, “In Memory of W. B. Yeats,” reinforces the striking images of the winter of Yeats’s death (which opens with, “He disappeared in the dead of winter”) with private remembrance and reflection and current public anxiety (which begins the third part of the poem): Earth, receive an honoured guest: William Yeats is laid to rest. Let the Irish vessel lie Emptied of its poetry. 16 This, in 1939, is a private and political poem, about a dead poet and a Europe on the verge of a death wish. The rhymed couplets and meter and almost choric nature harken back to the kinds of couplets Shakespeare used to close out scenes or those he employed to conclude his sonnets, but also those John Dryden and Alexander Pope crafted in their mock heroics, pastorals, and other poems.

The Literary and the Other 31 In all these periods, and even with this change and diversity, some properties persist. Mutability is undeniable, but within change, some properties remain. In other words, what can poetry do that other modes of language cannot? If there is no pure realm that allows us to say that poetry does something other discourses cannot, then we might have to reframe the question to ask what poetry can do better or more of than other kinds of texts or oral performance. Rhetoric is a property that other discourse shares with poetry.

17 Politics and private grief mix in a poem of aesthetic and ethical power. That power is an admixture of beauty and truth. Poetry, as Auden says, makes nothing happen, which of course is different from Philip Sidney’s view that it moves us by being memorable and concrete into moral action and is thus more universal than philosophy, which brings us to truth and justice and the moral but is too abstract to appeal to as many people. Poetry is never one thing even as we try to see it in its “pure” state as we might mathematics, physics or music.

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