The Weight of Their Votes: Southern Women and Political - download pdf or read online

By Lorraine Gates Schuyler

After the ratification of the 19th modification in 1920, thousands of southern ladies went to the polls for the 1st time. within the Weight in their Votes Lorraine Gates Schuyler examines the results this had in states around the South. She indicates that from polling locations to the halls of nation legislatures, ladies altered the political panorama in methods either symbolic and important. Schuyler demanding situations well known scholarly opinion that girls did not wield their ballots successfully within the Twenties, arguing as a substitute that during kingdom and native politics, girls made the main in their votes.Schuyler explores get-out-the-vote campaigns staged by means of black and white ladies within the area and the reaction of white politicians to the unexpected growth of the voters. regardless of the cultural expectancies of southern womanhood and the hindrances of ballot taxes, literacy assessments, and different suffrage regulations, southern ladies took benefit of their vote casting energy, Schuyler indicates. Black ladies mobilized to problem disfranchisement and grab their correct to vote. White girls lobbied kingdom legislators for coverage alterations and threatened their representatives with political defeat in the event that they didn't heed women's coverage calls for. hence, whilst southern Democrats remained in energy, the social welfare guidelines and public spending priorities of southern states replaced within the Twenties because of girl suffrage.

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1 This is the question that antisuffragists posed to southern men on the eve of ratification. For years, and at an even more fevered pitch in the last months before the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, antisuffragists made apocalyptic predictions of the doomsday that would arrive in the South if women received the vote. According to these “antis” the entire southern social order would collapse in the wake of woman suffrage, as it threatened to bring “Negro Domination” and the ruin of the white southern family.

118 These African American women were eager to press their cases, and they expressed frustration when local black men refused to stand with them. Yet, unlike many Politics in the 1920s 33 white men, the black men in question did not object to women voting. They simply disagreed about the wisdom of pressing black women’s voting rights in court. The public outcry in response to a letter from James Dudley, president of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, further suggests that black men’s support for woman suffrage was widespread after 1920.

6 It was a cartoon published in Nashville, however, that really got to the heart of the matter. Titled “America When Femininized [sic],” it pictured a rooster left to care for a nest full of eggs as the hen departed the barn wearing a “Votes for Women” banner. ” The broadside warned that the effects of woman suffrage, this “social revolution . . ”7 Another notice printed in Montgomery, Alabama, highlighted the same themes when it asked: “Shall America Collapse from Effeminacy? . The American man is losing hold.

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