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By Dumitru Staniloae

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The pony galloped along the fence, ears back, shaking her head and swishing her tail. She skidded to a stop and whinnied again – her belly shaking with the strain. She was working herself up into a nice frenzy. Shelby wondered if the little mare had a best friend where she'd come from and she was only just now realising that it wasn't there. 'Tess,' added Lindsey, shrugging. ' offered Erin. 'Then she could be Tess,' said Lindsey. Shelby laughed and rolled her eyes. 'Only for short,' Lindsey added.

She'd noticed recently that when she let Blue loose in the paddock after a ride Hiccup would whinny to him, and they would canter towards each other and have a dramatic reunion, as though they had been separated for years instead of a few hours. ' Blue pricked his ears for a moment and then closed his eyes again. He wasn't as easy to catch as he used to be. In the old days, when he was by himself, Blue used to wait for her at the sliprail, but these days he was more likely to be standing with Hiccup near the dam, or under the trees at the very back of the paddock.

Still nobody was bidding. She raised her hand, catching the auctioneer's eye. It was impulsive, but she couldn't help it. It didn't feel real, but at the same time it was exhilarating. Her skin pricked all over with goose flesh. 'We have one fifty. One sixty? ' Lindsey tugged on her sleeve. ' 'Clint will put her on his truck,' Erin said. ' She wriggled. ' The auctioneer searched the crowd. ' Lindsey said, shaking her head. 'One hundred and fifty it is. Last chance, folks,' said the auctioneer. Erin grabbed Shelby's hand.

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