Download e-book for iPad: Tribology of Abrasive Machining Processes by Ioan D. Marinescu

By Ioan D. Marinescu

  • “The breadth of information awarded is great, delivering a large physique of try to

    reference relating to abrasive tactics” - Dr Matthew Marshall, collage of Sheffield.

    “I locate myself turning to Marinescu’s Tribology while i need basic info on

    the nature of grit-workpiece touch” - Dr Jeffrey Badger, advisor Engineer

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The relative horizontal speed between the wheel and the workpiece is vs Æ vw, where the þ sign is for up-grinding and the À sign is for down-grinding. The extra distance traveled by the grain is s/2. Therefore, grain contact time is tgc ¼ ðlg þ s=2Þ$ð1=vs Þ. 13) vs 2 The contact length is slightly increased for up-grinding and slightly reduced for down-grinding. At higher workspeeds, the uncut chip shape is shorter and fatter for down-grinding than for up-grinding. Also the shock loading on the grains is greater.

The workpiece roughness becomes larger, but not so much as with constant grain spacing. The grains suffer increased stress, but not so much as with constant grain density. 8 Effects on grain wear The discussion so far serves to demonstrate the importance of grain density on the surface for mean chip thickness, which in turn has implications for wheel wear and grinding performance. From a tribological viewpoint, if the depth of cut is increased, the mean chip thickness is increased which increases the probability of grain fractures and the rate of grain wear.

5. 6. 7. Irregular grain spacing. Irregular grain depths. Effect of wheel dressing on grain density. Effect of wheel wear on grain density. Effect of wheel loading. Effect of plowing. Deflection of the grains, which reduces roughness. 24 Typical values of surface roughness. 25 Surface roughness is increased due to plowing. 8. Effect of spark-out, which reduces roughness. 9. Adhesion between the workpiece and the grains, which increases roughness. Factors (1)–(4) are due to variability of grain spacing.

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